This site is an independent private market place where private apartment owners in Anfi rents outs or try to sell their timeshare weeks. This platform is only for private persons, not companies.
Owner/advertiser: The person who owns the timeshare week in Anfi.
Renter/Buyer: The person who wants to rent or buy a timeshare week in Anfi.
Administrator: The person who is responsible for this website
An owner/advertiser puts an advert of a timeshare for rent or resale into the system. The system has preprogrammed the apartments in Anfi del Mar and in Anfi Emerald (Anfi Tauro). It is the owners responsibilty to make sure that all data and info is correct before advertising the apartment for rent or for sale on this platform.
When the apartment has the status active potentiell renters/ buyers can find the apartment for on this platform.
Renters / buyers can seek and find private timeshare weeks/apartments for rent or for sale using this platform. Then take contact to the owner via an integrated contact form.
The owner will receive an email from the system containing the renters/buyers contact info. From here its up to the owner to react and take direct contact to the renter/buyer. This contact will not be via this system but from owners own phone, text or e-mail.
The basic idea of this system is to avoid having the users to avoid using all the 8-10 different facebook platforms and messenger communication forums for rental and resales. Untill this system is well known and the Facebook groups becomes redundant Owners can also do this easliy themselves by generate a Facebook link under the section "Edit Apartment". 7 languages to choose from.
You can find many answers to your questions here. Frequently asked questions
You will as an owner advertising an apartment to the system, quickly see its very easy and a lot of standard info and data allready has been added to the system of the appartment the owner is advertising. Administrator has added this info to the best of their knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any text/data/info/picture/floorplan. It is each and every user own responsibility to doublecheck text/data/info/picture/floorplan. If wrong standrad info is in the system, please contact administrator so the error can be fixed accordingly.
You will be able to edit and add info on the advert after its published.
You can choose to select pictures in the system to your advert. If you choose to upload own pictures to your advert be advised that:
A) Those pictures can be added to system so other users also can use the pictures for their own advert in the system. In that way the system slowly gets build up a database of pictures of each apartment. If you dont comply to this, then you cannot add own pictures to the system. Your copyright of the picture is no longer valid.
B) Uploading your own images if you wish. CAN only be your own from that specific apartment! If violated your add will be deleted with no warning and you might get blocked from the system. No persons on images either. Your images will be added to the database for this specific apartment.
C) Its essential to maintain a respectful online enviroment by ensuring that pictures uploaded are appropiate. By following the guidelines of content making sure no pictures contains nudity, violence, political statements, sexual acts/writting, commercial intend, racism, hatefull statements.
You are - only - allowed to add your own timeshare apartments in Anfi. If adding not your apartments to the system you must have a power of attorney from the owner. If you add appartments to the system not being yours or not having power of attorney the apartment will be deleted from the system.
Rental and renting adverts are published till the arrival day. If the advert is a resale then 18 months expire from the date posted on this website.
The responsibility for the correct data is exclusively by the advertiser. The advertiser has to check the advertisement data and in case of fault he has to correct them.
Administrator can anytime with no warning change the advertisers add, if this has wrong data / text or none approven pictures.
The business of rental, renting, and resale of using rights is exclusively in the responsibility of the users. This platform provides only the means to enable interested partners to find themselves. Landlords and sellers have to observe the relevant club constitution and tax laws.
The operator keeps statistics without personal data.
Hints and text info boxes on the website or advice are done by best knowledge without liability.
Frauds and scammers will undoubtly also try to scam users on this platform. Be aware!
If you suspect a fraud/scam please notify us, by using the contact form, so we can delete and ban the scammer.
What can you do to avoid being scammed - Renting?
A) Get as much info as possible from the person you rent from.
B) NEVER transfer any money to the person whos rents out until you have verified your guest certificate. You do so by calling Anfi Customer Service +34928152990 and referring to your guest certificate number you have received from the persons who rents out.
Only Anfi Customer Service can verify if the certificate is valid or not. Anfi Customer Service cannot give any details of the owner.
Some owners requires a small deposit for securing the guest certficate. What does your stomach feeling say?
What can you do to avoid being scammed - Buying?
A) Here you are more safe as Anfi will get involved. However follow the procedures for selling/buying a timeshare week and NEVER transfer any money untill the deal is 100% legit.
Administrator of this website cannot in case be held responsible of users being scammed. Its easy to avoid being scammed if you follow the right procedures as descriped above.
If errors occure please contact adminstrator so we can fix the problem. Use this contact form:
We appreciate nice, tolerant and polite behaviour when communicating. Its not always a deal goes through. Respect the parties involved.
Its is each users own responsibility to make sure that sure each deal is legit. Users can do so by following necessarry action to prevent you sas user of the system being scammed. Administrator can never be hold responsible in any respect of loss and damages using this system.